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Steps to configure external applications

Configuring ManageEngine Password Manager Pro

Here are the steps to configure Password Manager Pro.

  1. Login to Password Manager Pro.
  2. Navigate to Audit -> Resource Audit -> Audit Actions -> Configure Resource Audit. Enable the Generate Syslog option for all operations and click Save.
  3. Navigate to Audit -> User Audit -> Audit Actions -> Configure User Audit. Enable the Generate Syslog option for all operations and click Save.
  4. Navigate to Admin -> Integration -> SNMP Traps / Syslog Settings and click Syslog Collector.
    • Enter the EventLog Server name and a port that the EventLog Analyzer instance is listening to.
    • Select the protocol (UDP/TCP) and a facility name. Click Save.

Configuring ManageEngine OpManager

The following are the steps to configure ManageEngine OpManager.

  1. Login to OpManager.
  2. Navigate to Settings -> Notifications.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Profile Type

    Select Syslog Profile and enter the following details.

    • Destination Host - EventLog Analyzer server name or IP address.
    • Destination Port - Any port that the EventLog Analyzer instance is listening to.
    • Severity and Facility must be the default values i.e. $severity and kernel.

    For EventLog Analyzer to parse logs from OpManager, the message variables in the syslog profile of OpManager should be entered in the following format:

    Mandatory message variables

    • ALARM_MESSAGE:$message
    • ALARM_ID:$alarmid
    • ALARM_CODE:$alarmid

    Other important message variables

    • ALARM_SOURCE:$displayName
    • ALARM_CATEGORY:$category
    • ALARM_SEVERITY:$stringseverity
    • ALARM_TRIGGER_TIME:$strModTime
    • ALARM_EVENT_TYPE:$eventType
    • Entity: $entity
    • Last Polled Value: $lastPolledValue
  5. Click Next.
  6. Criteria

    • Click on the Criteria check-box.
    • Enable the notification for all severities and click Next.

    Device Selection

    • Select the By Device option and select all the devices listed under Remaining Devices and click Next.


    • You don't have to configure anything in this section. Click Next.


    • Enter a profile name and click Save.
    Note: If the same machine is running two or more ManageEngine products, ensure the following:
    • The ports used by the products are unique.
    • The EventLog Analyzer port receiving logs from OpManager and Password Manager Pro is not used by other ManageEngine products.

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